Introducing SPCAD v25.0

Cadomation, a leading provider of tailored customization and automation solutions for CAD workflows, is proud to announce the release of SPCAD Version 25.0. This latest version brings a suite of powerful new features and improvements that empower designers, engineers, and architects to work more efficiently and focus on innovation.

New Features in SPCAD v25.0

  1. Google Image Import: Import Google images (.geprint files) directly into your drawing for enhanced visualization.
  2. TIN Manager: A comprehensive toolset to manage, edit, style, update, or delete Triangulated Irregular Networks (TINs), including:
    • Redefine TIN – Modify and redefine an existing TIN structure.
    • Elevation Legend – Display elevation data legend for better cartographic representation of terrain data ranges.
    • Raise/Lower TIN – Adjust elevation uniformly across the TIN.
    • Remove Elevation – Delete specific elevation data from the TIN.
    • Extract Points – Extract points from the TIN surface.
    • Add Point – Insert new points into the TIN Surface.
    • Remove Point – Delete selected points from the TIN.
    • Add Breakline – Insert breaklines to influence TIN triangulation.
    • Swap Edges – Modify triangle edges for better structure.
    • Clip TIN – Trim the TIN to a specified boundary.
    • Pack TIN – Optimize the TIN by removing unnecessary data.
    • Delete TIN – Remove an entire TIN surface from the drawing.
  3. Quick Profile: Generate a quick longitudinal profile from a TIN surface for rapid analysis.
  4. Quick Cross Section: Create quick cross sections from a TIN surface with minimal effort.
  5. Convert to SPCAD TIN: Convert external 3D Faces into SPCAD’s TIN format for seamless integration.
  6. Project to TIN: Project points (blocks, texts, and points) or linear entities (lines, polylines, and circles) onto a TIN surface.
  7. TIN Merge: Merge two TIN surfaces into a single unified TIN surface for efficient modeling.
  8. Perpendicular at Fixed Front Line: Divide a front line at a fixed perpendicular to ensure precise plot adjustments.

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed the startup error issue with the latest version of Microsoft Windows 11 24H2 Operating System
  2. Optimized the extraction of cross sections and longitudinal profiles from TIN surfaces, Contours, and other data
  3. Fixed the Volumetric Calculations Issues in TIN Surface Comparison tool

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