Spcad For bricscad
Introducing SPCAD for BricsCAD, a powerful plugin designed to enhance the capabilities of BricsCAD users who need advanced terrain analysis tools for 3D planning. This plugin is ideal for a range of professionals including cartographers, urban and town developers, and geospatial experts. Whether you need to create multiple maps quickly, develop and manage cadasters, or perform geometry-based analysis while maintaining coordinate systems and measurement units, SPCAD for BricsCAD has you covered.
Key Features- SPCAD for BricsCAD enables the import and export of all popular geospatial data formats to and from DWG files. This feature is essential for geospatial experts who need to integrate various data types into their CAD environment.
- With SPCAD, you can easily transform coordinates and georeference DWG files. This ensures that your designs are accurately positioned within a geographic context, making it easier to align with real-world locations.
- Manage and subdivide lots efficiently with SPCAD’s advanced parcel management tools. Annotate cadastral maps with ease, ensuring that all parcels are clearly labeled and organized for better land management.
- Create map atlases that adhere to cartographic standards and specifications. This feature is particularly useful for cartographers who need to produce high-quality maps quickly and efficiently.
- Perform topographic surface analysis, cross sections, profiles, and volumetric calculations. These tools are invaluable for urban and town developers who need detailed terrain analysis for their planning projects.
Experience the full potential of SPCAD for BricsCAD with our 14-day fully functional trial. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to enhance your BricsCAD capabilities and streamline your geospatial workflows.
Start your 14-day fully functional trial of SPCAD for BricsCAD today and revolutionize your CAD experience. For more information on installation, visit our help page.

SPCAD is now available on BricsCad App Store!
What’s new in SPCAD V25.0?

Imports Google image (having .geprint file) to the current drawing.

Projects points (points, blocks and texts) or linear entities (lines, polylines and circles) to a TIN surface.

Combines two TIN surfaces into a single TIN surface.

Display cursor coordinates in a panel and track multiple coordinate systems.

Converts external TIN to SPCAD’s TIN fromat.

Creates quick cross sections from TIN.

Creates quick profile from TIN.

Divide front line at a fixed perpendicular.

Easily mark front yard boundaries using parallel lot partitioning.

Display cursor coordinates in a panel and track multiple coordinate systems.

Georeference raster images directly within the CAD workspace.

Generate Thiessen polygons around points for area of influence analysis.

Generate quick contours over terrain points for better terrain visualization.

Import DEM as points, TIN, or contours in CAD format.

Export triangulated surfaces as DEM raster files for external use.

Measure the distance between points with just a few cursor clicks.

Import LandXML files into your CAD environment for smooth integration.

Export features from your CAD drawings into the LandXML format efficiently.

Convert intersecting lines into polygons automatically in your drawing.

Quickly label line segments with both length and bearing information.

Key Features of the Application