Import 3D data from CSV file and terrain analysis 

SPCAD simplifies the surface analysis process for CAD users, aiding in understanding project area topography and determining cut and fill quantities for tasks like road and canal design. This is achieved by establishing an alignment within the project area to comprehend land topography along and across it.

The import CSV tool in SPCAD facilitates easy integration of survey data into the drawing. Survey data typically consists of x, y, and z coordinates, with optional columns such as code and PID. The code is utilized to represent points based on land use/land cover, and SPCAD offers an efficient tool for this symbolic representation.

For instance, in the figure below, a sample CSV file displays these elements. Through SPCAD’s features, users can seamlessly import such data and visualize the terrain characteristics essential for their design processes. This user-friendly interface streamlines the analysis and interpretation of survey data, enhancing productivity and accuracy in CAD projects.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-1.png

Additionally, SPCAD offers customization options, allowing users to adjust settings according to their specific project requirements. This flexibility ensures that SPCAD can accommodate a wide range of design scenarios, from small-scale developments to large infrastructure projects.

Survey Data in CSV Format

CAD users frequently encounter survey data in CSV format, which contains mandatory columns like Easting and Northing, as well as optional ones such as Elevation, Code, and PID.

Significance of Elevation Values

Elevation values, if provided, are crucial for surface and terrain analysis, aiding in contouring and volumetric calculations.

Utilizing Code Attributes

The Code attribute can symbolize the location with the appropriate land use/land cover class, providing valuable contextual information for CAD users.

Flexible File Structure

The CSV file structure, as depicted in the figure below, showcases the essential components required for effective CAD integration.

Importance of Essential Columns

In survey data processing, Easting and Northing serve as fundamental coordinates, providing spatial references for mapping and visualization.

Enhancing Spatial Analysis

The inclusion of Elevation and Code attributes enriches the dataset, empowering CAD users with comprehensive information for various design and analysis tasks.

Seamless Integration with CAD

The flexibility of CSV format allows seamless integration with CAD software, ensuring smooth data import and utilization within design projects.


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